If you ever thought

“There has to be more to life than this”


If you ever thought

“There has to be more to life than this”


create the life you truly die to live

for those ready to claim the life they know was meant for them

Learn to Correctly Apply Coaching Tools That Are Life-Changing to Master and Will Help You Decode and Craft the Life You’re Dying to Live

Most people have abandoned their potential or are busy building someone else’s dreams. With my 10-week intensive beta program, priced at just £35, you commit to not becoming one of them.

Most people have abandoned their potential or are busy building someone else’s dreams. With my 10-week intensive beta program, priced at just £35, you commit to not becoming one of them.

Instead, you learn how to connect with your authentic vision and get yourself the mindset, tolls, strategies and practical support needed to transform that vision into your new everyday reality.

Instead, you learn how to connect with your authentic vision and get yourself the mindset, tolls, strategies and practical support needed to transform that vision into your new everyday reality.

With No Questions Asked 100% Full Refund Guarantee

create the life you truly die to live

for those ready to claim the life they know was meant for them

Learn to Correctly Apply Coaching Tools That Are Life-Changing to Master and Will Help You Decode and Craft the Life You’re Dying to Live

Most people have abandoned their potential or are busy building someone else’s dreams. With my 10-week intensive beta program, priced at just £35, you commit to not becoming one of them.

Instead, you learn how to connect with your authentic vision and get yourself the mindset, tolls, strategies and practical support needed to transform that vision into your new everyday reality.

With No Questions Asked 100% Full Refund Guarantee

You deserve a life that echoes your deepest desires, not one that silences them.

You deserve a life that echoes your deepest desires, not one that silences them.

You deserve a life that echoes your deepest desires, not one that silences them.

Make sure your life is truly worth living for YOU!

What if you could match your daily reality with the life you secretly daydream about?

Dreams are great but we all have responsibilities in our everyday life…

Making significant changes and creating a

Dream Life is


Making significant changes and creating a

Dream Life is


Making significant changes and creating a

Dream Life is


Does any of this sound familiar?


👉Work, chores, just surviving. Dreams feel like unaffordable luxuries. You’re tired, overwhelmed and life just keeps passing you by.

😫Work, chores, just surviving. Dreams feel like unaffordable luxuries. You’re tired, overwhelmed and life just keeps passing you by.


👉You crave change but don’t know what or how. Stuck and repeatedly knocked down, you escape into brief, mindless distractions—just trying to cope.

😖You crave change but don’t know what or how. Stuck and repeatedly knocked down, you escape into brief, mindless distractions—just trying to cope.


👉Your life might look great on paper, but you’re not satisfied. Feeling guilty for wanting more, you’re just going through the motions, disconnected from who you really are.

🤯Your life might look great on paper, but you’re not satisfied. Feeling guilty for wanting more, you’re just going through the motions, disconnected from who you really are.


👉“Good enough” isn’t good enough for you, while everyone around thinks you should be content. You desire change but lacking the community that truly gets it and encourages you to take bold steps.

💔“Good enough” isn’t good enough for you, while everyone around thinks you should be content. You desire change but lacking the community that truly gets it and encourages you to take bold steps.


👉You put everyone else first, and your own needs get lost. Trying to find time for yourself feels wrong as family duties pile up like the dirty dishes in the sink. You’re fading into the background of your own life.

🙄You put everyone else first, and your own needs get lost. Trying to find time for yourself feels wrong as family duties pile up like the dirty dishes in the sink. You’re fading into the background of your own life.

Deep down you feel it – this isn’t working

You need a spark to love living again

🙅 No more “same sh!t, different day” rut!

Reclaim your power and own your life. Learn to balance demands and craft dreams without feeling overwhelmed. Start making decisions that reflect your true self and core values.

🤩 Discover true clarity

Shed others’ expectations and find what truly drives you. Gain clear, actionable insights to pursue your dreams, waking up energized and focused every day.

⭐ Claim your leading role

Enough playing an extra in your own life. Take the lead—it’s your story. Let go of the myth that self-sacrifice benefits your family. Understand that by neglecting your needs, you’re setting the stage for your own downfall. Realize that you are the cornerstone: if you crumble, so does everything you care for.

🌼 Start truly living

Appreciate what you have and reach for what you want. Say goodbye to just going through the motions and start truly living.

What if it was YOU next writing a story like this

From stillbirth to rebirth…

A short summary of a long journey that inspired me to help you make significant changes and create your Dream Life

A short summary of a long journey that inspired me to help you make significant changes and create your Dream Life

Hi, my name is Nikki K and I’ve managed to turn my dreams into reality, crawling out of my very own personal hell that ended up becoming the turning point for everything, and it was a first step in a 4 year journey that brought me to the woman I am today – and I’m not even slowing down!

Hi, my name is Nikki K and I’ve managed to turn my dreams into reality, crawling out of my very own personal hell that ended up becoming the turning point for everything, and it was a first step in a 4 year journey that brought me to the woman I am today – and I’m not even slowing down!

When I started my self-development journey through life coaching in early 2020 I was a freshly bereaved mother who lost one of her twin boys during birthing and was left with grief and a surviving twin baby boy on the verge of a global pandemic.

When I started my self-development journey through life coaching in early 2020 I was a freshly bereaved mother who lost one of her twin boys during birthing and was left with grief and a surviving twin baby boy on the verge of a global pandemic.

I had no idea how to live my life again

I was attending grief counselling that helped me vocalise my suffering and let the overflowing grief out on someone who could hold space for the excruciating pain, but I had no idea what the next step would be to start living my life again, and I didn’t even know where to find someone that could tell me.

It was helping, but it was not supporting me efficiently on my journey towards my dream – that at the time was to just hurt less and live more.

Enter life coaching, recommended by a friend, where I finally regained a sense of control.

Enter life coaching, recommended by a friend, where

I finally regained a sense of control.

Suddenly there was light at the end of a seemingly endless tunnel

Suddenly there was light at the end of a seemingly endless tunnel

I enjoyed spending time with my son more – even though we were locked up in a one bedroom flat in the middle of a pandemic.

Eventually, I turned my life around. I learned how to drive in London and got my licence and a car. I started living as a solo parent finding myself within unknown challenges of becoming a SEN mother. I moved to a different flat all alone with my kid.

I won a legal case surrounding the birthing of my babies.

And eventually, I set up my own coaching business with the mission to guide others away from what they don’t want and closer to the life of their dreams.

My success was based on two crucial component: I was ready to take action and I FINALLY had the right tools.

Going through a massive transformation myself, eager to learn every tool, implement all the mindset shifts that felt aligned with me and my core values (I mean first even identifying my core values that were truly mine and not imposed upon me by others and society) lead me to become a passionate pathfinder for transformation seekers that refuse to settle for less in life.

And going through hell and back made me realise:

I have to pass these tools and how to actually apply them properly onto others

so i studied hard and worked with clients 1:1 to hone my skills.


Dream Life Unleashed

An if-not-now-for-this-insanely-good-price-when beta program for the ones who want significant changes and who are ready to craft their Dream Life efficiently and without BS.

🔧 Equip Yourself: Gain tools and techniques proven in real-life challenges – from building emotional resilience to strategic planning. These skills will last a lifetime.

💖 Reclaim Yourself: Rediscover who you are and build a life aligned with your deepest visions. Fall in love with your life, establishing a forever bond with yourself.

🌬️ Join and Shape: Access the best and most affordable version of this program. Contribute to its future and discover everything I know about life-changing strategies. I’ll share it all!

Dream Life Unleashed: This isn’t just about quick fixes. It’s about making lasting changes that truly reflect who you are and what you want.

🌈 Thrive, Don’t Just Survive: Step out from the shadows of unmet potential into the spotlight of your dream life. This program is your gateway to thriving.


on the inside

What you’ll learn

Phase 1

Shape Your

‘True Essence’


Shape Your

‘True Essence’




Big Dreams or Big Changes, get clear on what truly matters to YOU.


Spark the fire and get excited and motivated by the journey ahead of you.


Become your safe space and build resilience to chase your goals with unwavering confidence.

Phase 2

Build Your

‘This Is Finally



Build Your

‘This Is Finally





Learn basic concepts, tools and techniques that can become your most effective secret weapons for life.


Build a crystal clear, step by step, easy to follow plan to make your desires from phase 1 into your reality.


Strengthen your belief in yourself and your ability to achieve anything you set your mind to.

Phase 3

Craft Your New

‘Wow This Is My


Craft Your New

‘Wow This Is My




Learn powerful strategies to overcome roadblocks and the curveballs life throws and keep moving forward.


Discover ways to celebrate your wins and maintain the momentum you've built.


Integrate your newfound skills into your daily routine for lasting and repeatable transformation.

Get access to

All of these resources

True To Me Workbook

Vision Quest Journal

Transformation Tracker

9 Done With You Training Videos
(released weekly)

Unlock This On Week 2

Unlock This On Week 3

Unlock This Later

Unlock This Later

Unlock This Later

and of course

Amazing Bonuses


Community Support


Community Connection Pass

Special access to a private online community platform where you can interact, share experiences, and support each other with other participants


Thematic Posts for check-ins, reminders, motivation, inspiration, supportive vibes

Making it easy to connect with others


Program Motivation Playlist

Listen to what other participants listen to and keep moving the needle


custom tailored support


Anonymous Asking Opportunity

You will get a detailed and professional answer regardless of not showing your name


Detailed Video Answers

To the more complex questions posted into the Inner Circle Group to help avoid misunderstandings


Affirmation Cards Bundle



Purpose, Mindset Shift, Decision Making, Gratitude, Manifestation, Anxiety Relief, Self Love and Self Care, Mindfulness

Total Value = £2160

Today’s Price = Only £35

With Refund Guarantee

This Beta Program is for

2 Types of People

Ready for Change but Unsure Where to Start:

Dive into my 10-week intensive beta program for just £35. You’ll unlock essential coaching tools that are simple to learn but transformative when mastered – perfect for those new to coaching or needing a fresh start.

Seeking Real Results After Past Disappointments:

If previous coaching hasn’t delivered, this program is your chance to reset. Learn to apply effective, life-changing strategies that decode your deepest desires and transform them into your daily reality.

Frequently Asked Questions


1. What exactly will I learn in the Dream Life Unleashed Beta Program?

In this program, you’ll join in on a journey from rediscovering your deepest desires (Phase 1) to strategically planning how to achieve them (Phase 2), and finally, mastering the art of making these dreams a consistent reality (Phase 3). You’ll gain not only clarity and a plan but also the resilience and techniques to handle life’s challenges while pursuing your dreams.


2. Who is this program designed for?

Dream Life Unleashed is perfect for anyone feeling stuck in survival mode, dreaming of making significant changes but unsure where to start. If you’re ready to stop spinning your wheels and start living a life filled with purpose and passion, this program is for you.


3. How is this different from other self-help programs?

Unlike many programs that offer generic advice, Dream Life Unleashed is tailored to help you uncover and achieve your specific dreams. As a single expert and coach, I provide a personal touch, ensuring you receive support tailored to your unique journey. Think of me as your guide in rediscovering the hidden gems of your own life’s palace.


4. What if I can't keep up with the program schedule?

Don’t worry! Each session is designed to fit into even the busiest schedules, with materials accessible on-demand. Plus, you can revisit the content anytime you need, ensuring you never feel left behind.


5. How does the community support work?

You’ll gain access to our private online community where you can connect with fellow dreamers and seekers. This community is a place for sharing experiences, challenges, and victories. Live Q&As and thematic posts will keep you engaged and motivated throughout your journey.


6. What if I decide the program isn’t for me?

No fuss at all! If you find that the program isn’t fitting your needs, we offer a no-questions-asked money-back guarantee. Just reach out within the specified timeframe, and you’ll receive a full refund.


7. What kind of support can I expect after the program ends?

As a participant in the beta version of Dream Life Unleashed, you will have lifetime access to all the resources and materials provided during the program. While this beta program does not include ongoing additions post-completion, the tools and strategies you learn are designed to empower you to independently make both small and significant changes in your life, repeatedly. This ensures that you can continue to apply what you’ve learned and maintain your momentum, long after the program ends.

However, I am planning to keep this program in some shape or form that I will definitely inform you about during the beta!


8. How soon can I expect to see results?

Everyone’s journey is unique so the timeline for seeing changes can vary depending on your individual circumstances and the specific goals you choose to focus on. During the program, I’ll work closely with you to select areas you’d like to improve, ensuring that the strategies we apply are tailored to your needs. This personalized approach helps maximize your potential to see great results even before the program ends.


9. Can I really make significant life changes through this program?

Yes, you can! With the right tools, strategies, and support, transforming your life is not just possible, but probable. This program is designed to equip you with everything you need to start making those big changes confidently.


10. How do I sign up and what’s the investment?

Joining is easy! Just click the “YES I’M READY FOR MY DREAM LIFE” button anywhere on this page. The investment for your transformation is just £35, a small price for unlocking the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Money Back Guarantee

Q: Is there a money-back guarantee?

A: Yes absolutely! I swear by this program, so much so that I offer a no-questions-asked money-back-guarantee.






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